Sunday, May 29, 2011

Busy May

We have had a busy May with the boy's birthday, my first Mother's day, the baby dedication, Eric's birthday, Eric's suprise weekend and our 7th wedding anniversary! The boys have done great with all the activities and overall we are just enjoying them so much! Neither of them are walking yet, but Landon is starting to make some real progress. They both get around quite a bit, even if it's not the traditional ways that 1 year olds do it :) Landon fully crawls and pulls up and will push toys all around. Jordan does his own version of crawling that includes getting in the correct position, then swinging his rear in the direct he wants to go. It's quite impressive, if you ask me (but I am partial). They are eating almost all solid foods and less and less purees. They jabber all the time, and I believe we are close to having our first real words. They both say Mama quite a bit, and Landon's new favorite is 'baloo' for baloon. I'm impressed each day how much closer he gets to saying it! He also says 'ball' whenever he sees a ball. They are learning and growing so fast, and I'm so blessed to be a part of it each day!

Below are a couple pictures of the first time they ever watched a video. I'm not big on TV for the kiddos, but they both woke up early from a nap the other day, so I decided I would try to keep them calm by letting them watch a baby Einstein. I was shocked how long they sat there and watched. You can see they did have some snacks during the viewing :) Even Landon sat there for 15 full minutes just glued to the T.V. :)

Look at all those tempting toys.. not even interested

Loving the Video

Landon practicing his walking skills

He loves to show off!!
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