Sunday, January 3, 2010

Family of Criminals

We made it safely down to Hilton Head for our annual Purcell Family trip yesterday, but it wasn't without some excitement. We left on Friday afternoon after a demoralizing loss by the Flyers in OT of the Winter Classic. We were off to a great start after about 6 hours and found a hotel to take a break. We woke up the next morning with just 6 hours to go, but this is when the excitement began.

Eric, being the gentleman he is, didn't want to make his pregnant wife drive, so he took the burden himself. This didn't come without a price, though. Around 10:30 AM, we have some bright lights following us, and low and behold we got pulled over. This was in North Carolina, and the nice cop just gave us a lovely warning and asked us to slow down. We were probably going about 10 over, if that, so we knew it was fast, but not too bad.

After this, I was watching the speedometer carefully from the passenger side,and encouraging my husband lovingly to continue slowly. Much to our surprise around 12:15, another officer had his lights on behind us. We were both dumbfounded! Apparently he clocked us going 84 in a 70, but we continue to declare our innocence. The meek wife that I am, I may have questioned the officer and his ability to accurately do his job. He didn't like that too much. Needless to say, he gave us the lovely ticket below which we will cherish forever.

Don't you think Eric looks innocent??

So it ends up that now I live with 2 criminals.

We have heard that Aspen had another incident as he is staying with his Grandma and Grandpa this week. They came home last night and he had gotten into the trash and strewn it all over the house. He had another guilty look as he hid from them when they came home. Apparently my parenting practice wasn't effective, so it's a good thing I have a couple more months to continue working on my speeches!!


  1. oh no!!! on the upside, i think turning into a daddy will help eric with the speeding (it did a bit with dave)... at least when the babies are in the car :)

  2. Eric and Aspen both needed to be put in Time Out (good parenting practice)



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