Monday, May 10, 2010

Estimated weights.... 5 lbs 3 oz

I had an ultrasound this morning to check the growth and development of the boys, and everything is looking good!  They are both estimated to weigh 5 lbs 3 oz each, and I'm told it's awesome that they are the same size!  The specialists are a little worried that they are smaller than they would like at this point (most babies would've gained 2 lbs this past month, and they only gained 1 lb each).  The specialists are recommending to my doctors an induction at 37 weeks (which starts Wednesday!), but they said it will ultimately be up to my doctors to determine the timing.  My blood pressure is still on the edge of being considered 'high', so that's another reason to not hold out until 38 or more weeks.

I'm really getting excited and hope to find out soon what the decision will be.  I have a good feeling about this week, and I can't wait for my parents to come out and meet the babies!


  1. yay!! i bet the next post will have baby pics...

  2. Oh man - I had a dream last night that you had the boys...I even dreamed what their names were and everything, but now I can't remember! I remember them being very very 'unique' though...HAHA. I think this is the week - we'll be thinking about you guys!



Baby Pics