Monday, June 28, 2010

Getting out - just a little :)

This past week, we were able to get out of the house a little more.  The hot weather kinda stinks for the boys, but we are trying to not be so secluded lately!  On Friday afternoon, we made our first trip to the mall.  The boys did great and slept the whole time.  Then on Saturday, we had 2 outings!  We went to a friend's house to watch the USA team lose, and then we had dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Schmidt at Indian Valley.  The boys did great at the first outing of the day, but were pretty fussy at dinner.  I guess 2 activities in 1 day was too much :)  I didn't take any pictures at any of the these outings, unfortunently, but I'm going to have to be better!

Overall, the boys are still doing great!  They did get circumcised last Wednesday, which has increased the fussyness and the time it takes to change a diaper.. vaseline, yuck!  They are still as sweet as ever, and I'm enjoying each day I get to spend with them.  We are still working on the whole sleeping thing, and I'm hoping for some longer stretches soon!  They have nights where they go 6+ hours, but also nights when they like to be fed every 3-4 hours.  I can only imagine how long each one would sleep if I didn't have to constantly wake the other up :)  Just another joy of having twins!

Landon continues to be very alert and seems to be developing very fast.  He continues to roll over when I put him on his belly, and I can see him growing so much.  He has not been able to keep his food down lately, so now I'm trying to figure out how to help him in this area.  It's clear that Landon will have a strong personality, and I'm excited to continue to get to know the little guy!

Jordan is just the sweetest baby ever.  He spends a lot of time awake just looking around and rarely crying.  He is very content and happy most of the time.  He has not rolled over, and doesn't seem to focus as much as Landon yet, but I can tell he's not upset about it at all.  His personality seems very easy going and content.  You can see from the picture below that Jordan enjoys time with daddy too!

1 comment:

  1. you are good to venture out! (i was in the house about a year with lilly... lol) and so fun to hear about their personalities!! each one is so different. (love that burp rag too ;)



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