Monday, July 19, 2010

From green to blue...

We have been wanting to paint our shutters ever since we bought our house.  It was one of the things that I didn't love about the house, but it wasn't worth not buying it at the time.  We finally got around to putting in the request for the change with the association, and on Friday afternoon they called to say our change was approved.  Before I knew it, Eric jumped out of bed early Saturday morning to go get the paint and get started.  His brother, Adam was quick to help as well and spent his Saturday morning up on the ladder helping paint the shutters.  Lyndsay also came over, and she helped me give the boys a bath - no small task :)

Eric worked outside all weekend (and it was VERY hot), and got it finished Sunday afternoon.  I'm so proud of what a hard worker he is!  He even had to go to work Sunday night without a nap or anything - I don't know how he does it!

Before - not the best picture

Eric finishing up

After - I love the blue!
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  1. The blue looks great!! Eric is so handy!

  2. Who is that handsome guy on the ladder? Oh, that is the dad of twin boys!!!

  3. You're right. The blue looks MUCH better.



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