Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Best Friends already!

I went in for a non-stress test yesterday as the new normal routine. They like to monitor the babies for 1 hour 2 times/week to make sure they are 'reactive'. They just check the heart rates and monitor me for contractions. Twins are often difficult to monitor, so they had the usual 4 nurses in there searching and searching for baby A's heart rate. They tried for about 45 minutes before they gave up and sent me over for another wonderful ultrasound.

After about 30 minutes of waiting, I headed over, and had the usual. They were checking for movement, heart rate and breathing. Baby B passed within about 20 seconds as he was having a dance party. Baby A was moving around a lot, but he wouldn't raise and lower his diaphragm. They usually wait about 30 minutes for them to do this as it shows they are practicing the breathing motion. At about 28 minutes, he finally did it, and I was so proud!

During this ultrasound, we discovered that the boys had moved around quite a bit since the last one I had (only 3 days ago). Baby A has always been head down, which was a good sign because it pointed to a natural delivery. Well, he must've been missing his brother, because he has now flipped, and as you can see from the picture below, their heads are now together. The doctor said they can both still flip, but currently baby A is now breech, and baby B is transverse (which means he's laying across my belly on top of baby A).

Dad has been praying for baby B to turn head down, and I think somehow there was a miscommunication somewhere! Hopefully we have quite a few more weeks for them to figure out the positioning!


  1. The Schmidt boys sure are moving around....they still are cute!!!

  2. Linds, thanks for posting this u/s pic -- that is really amazing to see their heads together. They are probably plotting and planning against their parents already:-) J/K you know I LOVE little baby boys:-) They are the best! You'll see!

  3. I know you went them to turn, but I think it's cute that there heads are together now.



Baby Pics